Become a Member of MORRA

MORRA is an association and our purpose is maintaining, running and promoting the MORRA Hall for the use and benefit of the people of Waiheke and visitors to Waiheke.

MORRA as a registered Association requires membership. We warmly invite you to be part of our association and join us by becoming a member.

Growing our membership means that we can continue to operate and provide the hall and meeting room and the facilities for the benefit of all users, whether they be from Waiheke Island, or further afield in New Zealand Aotearoa.

As a member, you are welcome to attend our regular meetings and join our team if you wish to help us run the hall. If you have any questions do please feel welcome to email us

Please fill in the form below to become a member of MORRA. You can pay by either internet banking or credit card.

Our Bank Details

For your membership fee, please pay into our bank account, and clearly state your name as the reference and that this is for MORRA membership – thank you!

ASB Bank